Helping leaders build healthy, gospel-centered ministries.

Pastors and ministry leaders of all kinds today feel burned out, stressed, overworked, underpaid, demotivated, lonely, depressed or some combination of the above. Maybe that’s you. Or maybe your situation isn’t quite as dire. You just need some help getting unstuck. Whatever the case, perhaps we can help.

My name is Jeff Martin. I’ve spent over 25 years as an organizational leader in a variety of ministry contexts. At times I’ve felt effective, but at times I’ve also felt like a total failure. Through it all, I’ve benefited from the wisdom and experience of more seasoned leaders who have continually reminded me that true success in leadership is made possible by the transforming power of the gospel.

This is what JTM Ministry Coaching is all about. Whether you need personal ministry coaching, or a complete church health assessment, we provide customized strategies to help you build healthy, gospel-centered ministries in your unique context. I would love the opportunity to connect with you in order to better understand your situation, and explore how we might partner together in your next phase of ministry.

Primary Services

Personal ministry coaching

Whether it’s trying to juggle an insane amount of diverse responsibilities, becoming a better team leader, dealing with relational conflict, developing leaders, or navigating complex team dynamics, we all need help as leaders.

Coaching ministry leaders is my greatest joy and I look forward to partnering with you to help you grow as a leader and maximize your impact for the kingdom. We’ll do this in 3 phases. First, we’ll take some time complete an assessment of what shapes you as a leader. In phase 2, we’ll create a written personal and ministry development plan to address your goals as a leader. And then I’ll help you execute and modify your plan to continue to meet your goals.

Preaching Training

This 5-month workshop is designed to help both lay leaders and pastors learn how to study and teach the Scriptures in a Christ-centered manner. This course utilizes mini-lectures, course readings, discussions, workshops, worksheets, and even speaking drills. Participants will learn how to apply sound hermeneutical principles to understand a given passage, and then take what they’ve learned and create a Christ centered message sensitive to the particular needs of a given audience.

Participants will learn how to experience the grace and truth of the gospel as they encounter Christ in the Scriptures. They will learn a transferable and repeatable process that can be used to develop Christ-centered messages.

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is an ongoing process, not an event. Rather than creating a detailed plan about everything your church is doing, we will focus your resources on the most critical steps. We will bring your leadership team through five phases: We will set the direction, assess the organization, chart the course, establish the tactics, and coach for execution. We will NOT be putting this plan in a drawer or burying it in Google Docs! I’ll lead you through the process in such a way that you can replicate it year after year as well as coach your leaders to execute the plan by God’s grace.

Church Health Assessment

A comprehensive church health assessment can provide a massive lift for your church leadership team. Over a 3-6 month period of time, we’ll use a variety of tools including church-wide surveys, leadership interviews, and a site visit, to evaluate various aspects such as leadership dynamics, ministry effectiveness, financial stewardship, and member engagement. We’ll identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. We’ll present specific recommendations to your leadership along with a full written report of our findings.

A little about us…

Jeff grew up in northern New Jersey and obtained an undergraduate degree in Marketing from Miami University (OH), where God changed his life’s ambitions through the collegiate ministry of Cru. Jeff joined the staff of Cru after graduation, met his wife Mary, and together spent 23 years with Cru. Seven of those early years were spent as missionaries in Bulgaria helping to reach college students with the gospel. After graduating from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School with an MDIV, Jeff became the Regional Director for Cru in the Mid-Atlantic. In 2013, Jeff was called to serve as the lead pastor of Rock Creek Church in Maryland.

Jeff has over 25 years of experience leading teams and organizations, and coaching ministry leaders. He has led multi-ethnic teams, and a multi-ethnic, multi-generational church. Jeff’s passion is to come alongside ministry leaders to help them navigate the complexities of leading others, as well as themselves. In addition to his education and leadership experience, Jeff is a certified church consultant with the Society of Church Consultants.

Jeff loves sports, intense conversations, making people laugh, and boating on the Chesapeake Bay. Jeff and Mary have been married for 33 years and have two daughters, a son, 2 sons-in-law and one grandson. They currently reside in Olney, MD.

Mary is from Arlington, VA, and has an undergraduate degree in Social Work from James Madison University. Alongside Jeff, she served with Cru for 23 years as a campus minister, regional team member, and mentor for younger staff women. As a lay leader in the church, Mary launched the Titus 2 ministry which provides valuable feedback for the elder team, mentors women, and fosters spiritual multiplication.

In addition to helping with church health assessments, Mary uses her life and ministry experience to mentor wives of ministry leaders. She is an attentive listener and a great encourager who offers guidance and support.

Mary loves scrapbooking, playing games, cooking for her family and friends, and enjoying her grandson as much as possible.

Book a free consultation.

I’d love the opportunity to hear your story and see how we might be able to partner together to serve you and your leadership.

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